Daily Humdrum

Day Zero -Lawfully Wedded

The day has finally arrived…in 6 hours, I will be legally married. God, it’s sounds so weird and grown-up. I can’t believe it’s really happening! If everything goes according to plan, it’d be a perfect day. But no matter how mush I strive for it, realistically, I have to accept that minor chaos will crop up along… Continue reading Day Zero -Lawfully Wedded

Oui to We! · Wedding

Getting Hitched – The Journey So Far

I’ll come right out and say it – I will be legally married this August end! So far, amidst the chaos, disagreements, arguments and threats of calling it off (this last one was admittedly always by yours truly),  we have managed to go through all the necessary procedures. I hope I’m not jinxing myself by laying… Continue reading Getting Hitched – The Journey So Far